April 23, 2011

TOP 5 of April

Tak, tady je malý zoznam vecí mesiaca Apríl...

So, here is a little list of things for month April...

5. Piate miesto vyhral tento krásny rozťahovák (cca 12 mm) od mojej kamarátky :)
5. Number five has won this beautiful expander (cca 12 mm) from my friend :)

4. Áno. Toto je môj úžasný lak Manhattan. Nemiluj ho.
4. Yes. This is my amazing nail polish Manhattan. Try not to love it

3. JAHODY! Prekvapení, čo?
3. STRAWBERRIES! Surprised, aren't you?

2. Kniha Brida od úžasného spisovateľa Paula Coehla. Must-read.
2. Book Brida written by great writer Paulo Coehlo. Must-read.

...and the winner is!

1. Telové maslá od Cien. Pre tento mesiac vyhrali mango a kakao. OOOOH
1. Cien body butters. For this month the winners are mango and cocoa. OOOOH

Mimochodom, všimli ste si zmenu pozadia..? Som na seba neskutočne hrdá. Ono to nebolo také jednoduché ako sa zdá, lebo to bolo treba spraviť z viacerých obrázkov pospájaných dokopy, ale celé som to spravila úplne sama a som maximálne spokojná :)
Milujem ho.

By the way, have you noticed the change of the screen? I am so proud of myself. It wasn't as easy as it seems to be, cause I had to combine many pictures together, but I've done everything only by myself and I am utterly satisfied with the result :)
Love it.


Whatever it is

Thanx for every opinion ;)